
Faith Initiatives

Care and Resources

For those seeking support, we have put together a list of resources that include churches that will help the hurting find the services they need. Our Care Cards, can be adapted to each community and include, mental health providers, medical providers, and area churches who are there to help the hurting find the services they need.

If you are a church that would like to partner in this cause and be listed on our Care Cards, please email: Info@ourcitycares.org

Walking Through Tragedy With Victory

When tragedy strikes, we question everything. Tragedy shakes the foundation of our world and beliefs. Sheryl and her son, Dan, wrote this book to encourage those in the midst of tragedy. Drawn from their loss and the following meditation on Scripture, it offers nine principles that deeply encouraged them. Grief never ends, it only gets easier. With this study guide, you will explore, engage, and examine each of the nine principles of Walking Through Tragedy with Victory. A part of healing is processing and realizing how trauma or suffering is often used as a springboard to create meaningful and powerful change in our world. Nearly all non-profit organizations spring from someone’s experience of trauma or tragedy. Tragedy does have a redeeming value in uniting us and helping us see needed services in our communities. Our story isn’t over, our journey has just begun. 

You may pick up your copy of the book, Walking Through Tragedy with Victory, at local stores or on Amazon

Live Victoriously – H…E…A…L…

In the “Live Victoriously” presentation Sheryl shares that her comeback story began when she determined she wanted to H…E…A…L… Losing her son by suicide caused immense pain and heartache for her and her family. She shares how her grit, her community, her Lord, and the bible walked her through her journey of grief. Now 6 years later speaks words of hope and healing to others, sharing with a variety of audiences for Our City Cares and women’s events. “Live Victoriously -H.. E…A…L… can be adapted to different timelines and audiences. The expanded Christian conference version includes the nine biblical principles of healing from her book Walking Through Tragedy with Victory. Sheryl shares with compassion, authenticity, humor, and impact inspiring others that they can also heal from the tragedies and challenges life can bring… Contact Sheryl@ourcitycares.org