
Our Sponsors

We want to say a huge THANK YOU! to this year’s sponsors.

One of the beautiful things about uniting our communities around this cause is how many people deeply care even though it’s “not their job” to care.

Here are this year’s sponsors, and the messages of hope they want to share.

They are listed in no particular order.

Banner - Communities Combating Suicide - 100 Women Who CareYour Mistakes Don't Define You - Virtual Cathy

Your Story is Still Being Written - Discovery Dental Your Life Matters - Papa Murphys Your Life Matters - Faith Based Coffees You Are Not Alone - Evergreen Public Schools You are Not Alone - Vision Walk Coaching There is Hope - Fairway Mortgate - Timmy Ostrom One Day at a Time - Green Meadows Care Home Life Has Seasons and Seasons Change - Lacamas Medical GroupComparison is the Thief of Joy - Camas Life MagazineDwell on the Beauty of Life - InSync Printing

Don't Give Up - Dunning Associates Comparison is the Thief of Joy - Restored Life Counseling